Host a Discounted Tour - 2025

Jan 6-15, Jan 13-22, Jan 20-29, Jan 27-Feb 5

$3699 complete package

​$2899 land only package 

Host a Discounted Tour - 2026

Jan 5-14, Jan 12-21, Jan 19-28, Jan 26-Feb 4

$3699 complete package

​$2899 land only package 

Host a Tour

We offer competitive pricing for any size group.

How to host a tour

As a group leader, you have the pleasure of gathering people who will go on your tour. Then, you serve as the spiritual leader or host for the group, and have the opportunity to receive a free or prorated travel package.

  • Organize a tour for your church, study group, or any other group.
  • Create an interest list.
  • Set up and hold an information meeting. This is usually done about 15-18 months in advance, with another meeting 11-12 months in advance.
  • Advertise the date for your informational meeting! Get people interested and committed to coming to that meeting.
  • Follow up with those who attend your meetings or have expressed interest in joining your tour group.
  • Make sure passport copies, deposits, and final payments have been submitted on time. If payments are given to you, send those payments to Alpha 2 Omega Travel.
  • Hold a brief pre-departure meeting or send a letter to participants about the flight information. Make sure everyone will be at the airport at least 3 hours prior to departure.

Available tour dates for 2025​

Feb 3-13, Feb 19-Mar 1, Feb 27-Mar 9

Mar 17-27, Mar25-Apr 4, Apr 2-12, Apr 21-May 2

Apr 30-May 10, May 8-18, May 19-29, Jun 2-10

Jun 10-20, Jun 18-28, Jun 26-Jul 6, Aug 28-Sept 7

Sept 1-11, Sept 9-20, Oct 2-11, Oct 9-19

Oct 20-30, Oct 28-Nov 7, Nov 5-15, Nov 13-23

Nov 24-Dec 5, Dec 3-13




Alpha 2 Omega Travel will:

  • Assist you in answering your questions, and help you organize your group.
  • Provide you with literature, such as brochures and registration forms.  We will also advertise on our website and in various venues.
  • Assist you in holding informational meetings.
  • Provide you with videos and further information to educate, inspire, and recruit your group.
  • Tour Coordinator available 24/7 throughout your tour.

Available tour dates for 2026

​Feb 2-11, Feb 9-18, Feb 16-25, Mar 9-18, Mar 16-25

Apr 13-22, Apr 20-29, Apr 27-May 6, May 4-13, May 11-20

Jun 1-10, Jun 8-17, Jun 15-24, Jun 22-Jul 1, Aug 31-Sept 9

Oct 5-14, Oct 12-21, Oct 19-28, Oct 26-Nov 4, Nov 2-11

Nov 9-18, Nov 16-25, Nov 23-Dec 9, Dec 7-16, Dec 14-23, Dec 21-30






Our tours include:

  • Complete package includes: airfare, hotels with HB, farewell dinner, guide and driver fees, transfers and land transportation daily, all entrance fees on your itinerary, base tips, and airline taxes and fuel surcharges.
  • Land only package excludes airfare.
  • Itinerary: We can help design your itinerary based on your preferences and purpose of your tour. Also, any combination of our tours and extensions may be used to create your itinerary. Sample itineraries are available on our website.

Alpha 2 Omega Travel
P.O. Box 402128 Hesperia, CA 92340 US
Phone: (760) 985-3540